YouTube is a powerful platform that allows content creators to showcase their talent and share their ideas with millions of people around the world. As a content creator, it is essential to know how many people are viewing your content every day. This information can help you to understand your audience better and make necessary adjustments to your content strategy. In This article, we will discuss how to check daily views on YouTube

Checking Your YouTube Views 

To check your daily views on YouTube, follow these steps: 

Log in to your YouTube account. 

Navigate to your YouTube channel by clicking on your profile picture in the top right corner of the screen and selecting “YouTube Studio” from the dropdown menu. 

In the YouTube Studio dashboard, click on the “Analytics” tab on the left-hand side of the screen. 

In the Analytics section, you will see several metrics that you can track, including views, watchtime, and engagement. Click on the “Overview” tab to see an overview of your channel’s performance. 

In the “Overview” tab, you will see a graph that shows your daily views over a period of time. You Can adjust the time range by selecting a specific date range from the dropdown menu at the top of the screen. 

To see a more detailed breakdown of your daily views, click on the “Reach” tab. Here, you can see the number of views, impressions, and click-through rates for each day.

You can also see your daily views for individual videos by clicking on the “Videos” tab and selecting a specific video from the list. 

Understanding Your YouTube Views 

Now that you know how to check your daily views on YouTube, it is important to understand what these views mean and how they can help you to grow your channel. 

Views: Views are the number of times your video has been watched. YouTube counts a view when someone watches your video for at least 30 seconds. 

Watch time: Watch time is the total amount of time that people have spent watching your videos. YouTube considers watch time to be an important metric because it indicates how engaging your content is. 

Engagement: Engagement includes likes, comments, shares, and subscribes. These metrics are important because they indicate how well your content is resonating with your audience. 

Click-through rate (CTR): CTR is the percentage of people who click on your video after seeing it in search results or suggested videos. A higher CTR means that your video is more likely to be recommended to other viewers. 

Using Your YouTube Views to Grow Your Channel 

Now that you understand the importance of tracking your YouTube views, it is time to use this information to grow your channel. Here are a few tips to help you get started: 

Create engaging content: The more engaging your content is, the more likely people are to watch it and share it with others. Pay attention to your audience’s interests and preferences create content that resonates with them.

Promote your YouTube channel: Use social media, email marketing, and other channels to promote your YouTube channel and increase your reach. 

Optimize your video titles and descriptions: Use keywords in your video titles and descriptions to help people find your content when they search for related topics on YouTube. 

Collaborate with other creators: Collaborating with other creators can help you to reach an audience and increase your channel’s visibility. 

Engage with your audience: Respond to comments and messages from your audience to show that you value their feedback and appreciate their support. 


Checking your daily views on YouTube is an essential part of growing your channel and reaching a wider audience. By understanding your audience’s interests and preferences and creating engaging content that resonates with them, you can increase your views and build loyal subscribers. Following these simple steps and understanding the importance of tracking your YouTube views can help you grow your channel and reach a wider audience. It is important to remember that building a successful YouTube channel takes time and effort, but with patience and dedication, you can achieve your goals and create content that resonates with your audience. Keep track of your daily views, analyze your audience’s behavior, and adjust your content strategy accordingly to continue to grow and improve your channel over time. 

One of the most important things you can do to grow your audience and increase engagement is to engage with your viewers. Responding to comments and messages from your audience shows that you value their feedback and appreciate their support. This can help to build sense community around your channel and encourage viewers to keep coming back for more. 

Remember to keep track of your daily views, analyze your audience’s behavior, and adjust your content strategy accordingly to continue to grow and improve your channel over time. Withhardwork and persistence, you can build a successful YouTube channel that reaches and inspires

millions of people around the world.